Benefits of HypnoBirthing– The Mongan Method™





Pregnant woman standing at sunset









What you will get out of it:

  • You and your birth companion will be equipped with invaluable tools and techniques to ensure you have a more comfortable, calm and stress free birth
  • Any fears and concerns you may have surrounding childbirth will be eliminated and replaced with optimism, excitement and positivity surrounding your labour and birth
  • You will receive unbiased education on the anatomy and physiology of labour and birth so that you can make informed decisions
  • You will learn all about the amazing ways your body and baby work together during childbirth
  • You will learn how you can facilitate this natural process to ensure it is more comfortable, shorter and even enjoyable
  • Your birth companion will feel confident in their role as your support person and know what techniques to use to make you more relaxed and calm
  • Your baby will be born alert, to a calm and energised mom

HypnoBirthing Statistics

HypnoBirthing – The Mongan Method TM has statistically proven positive results that HypnoBirthing® moms birth more comfortably

  • 77% of HypnoBirthing® mothers who birthed vaginally did so without epidural
  • 45% of HypnoBirthing® mothers birthed in under eight hours
  • 17% of HypnoBirthing® mothers birthed via C-section
  • 9.5% of HypnoBirthing® mothers chose to birth in the comfort of their homes

(data provided by HypnoBirthing® Institute, between 2005-2010)